“Sometimes you’re the windshield. Sometimes your the bug.”
― Mark Knopfler
Welcome to the Raptoreum October 2019 update! We have been fairly quiet the last couple of months, but as usual there is lots happening in the background. We have identified multiple serious bugs in the code, sources of these bugs are upstream. One that has been announced so far you may or may not have heard of was from Ravencoin (RVN).
This is one of multiple that we have found upstream, keep in mind upstream means, Bitcoin, Ravencoin, and DASH. We can’t at this time reveal any further information on these bugs due to their nature, but they have caused us to delay once already, and probably will cause us to delay yet again. New mainnet date will be pushed back from Nov. 01 to Nov.18 which just happens to be Raptoreums one year anniversary, so that is a cool date to launch mainnet. Instead Nov .01 we will launch Testnet stage 4.
Upcoming, Incoming, And Already Done
Testnet Stage 4
Testnet #4 brings in the following:
- GhostRider tweaks to smooth it out, speed it up, and if we have time further increase its resistance against ASIC and FPGA
- DASH code brought in and modified to our needs for Chainlocks / 51% protection. This code also brings in the following features
1.) LLMQ-based InstantSend: No waiting on confirmations, RTM sent is received and can be spent instantly
2.) LLMQ-based Chainlocks: This makes Raptoreum immune to 51% based mining attacks
I won’t go into details on these here, if you want to get into the details there are a couple of DASH Medium posts you should read:
- Fixes for the upstream bugs we can’t really talk about yet
- Masternode code: Private send will be available with this
Crypto Core Media Interview With Founder Bigpiggy01
LooTz of Crypto Core Media was kind enough to do a live interview with Bigpiggy01, an hour and 15 minutes worth of interview at that! A great listen, don’t miss it.
Raptoreum Discord Duckhunt
Team member cmallory183 has added a bot that awards you RTM for killing dacks on Discord. The dacks also have chances to drop rare assets. This fun and very addictive game with real rewards will continue to be tweeked and run during mainnet. Rare assets will in the future be worth anything from lump amounts of RTM to RTM swag, fun!
Zellabs Has Added Raptoreum
Zellabs has shown a large amount of awesomesauce and added RTM to their pool platform. Even better they will release the code to the public so anybody can spin up a pool. GhostRider code is being kept behind closed doors for now but closer to mainnet we will give them the greenlight to release it. It will not come with their custom front end but I have been told it will most likely work with Easy Nomp. We will put together an easy to follow guide for it as well. Special thanks to CryptoWrench#6022 & JeffVader#5874 (Discord) for their work and just general kickassedness (new word?).
You can find the Zellabs pool here: https://rtm.zellabs.net/
Lotto Winner
We finally had our first lottery winner! LooTz won the lottery and filled a bag worth 180,00 RTM, gratz!! The lotto has reset and the jackpot is slowly accumulating, don’t miss out all you need is a CPU and the miner or wallet.
Raptoreum Gets A Blog
We will no longer be posting articles on Medium, all updates and articles will now be posted here.
I told myself I would add a random flaming skull to this article, so there it is!